Minerals of Africa! Schedule

October 16, 2021
All times Pacific Time

11:00 AM
Bruce Cairncross
The Kalahari manganese field: South Africa’s most famous mineral locality

12:00 PM
Demetrius Pohl
DANGERS IN LONG GRASS: Mineral Collecting in the Republic of the Congo

1:00 PM Break

1:15 PM
David Joyce* and Raymond McDougall
The Minerals of South/Central Morocco

2:15 PM
Bruce Cairncross
Minerals, mines and geology of Namibia

3:15 PM Break

3:30 PM
Wim Vertriest
The evolution of ruby sources in East-Africa

4:30 PM
Leslie Moclock* and Jacob Selander
Rocks, Minerals & Geology of the Pacific Northwest

5:30 PM Symposium ends
