Display some of your collection!
The heart of a mineral show is always the display cases. Everyone looks at them, studies them… even drools over them! Please consider displaying part of your collection at this year’s symposium. We have 12 cases and only a few are spoken for at the time of this notice. Some things to consider:
- Cases are not required to be “on theme.”
- You do not need to have museum quality specimens to make an interesting display!
- The best guideline is to put together a display that YOU would stop to look at.
- This year’s theme may be better suited to micro-mineral specimens so consider getting creative: Perhaps add photos or an in-case slide show?
- Cases are bolted together after you place your display inside. We will have security sleeping in the room with the cases on Friday and Saturday night.
- The case dimensions are 43-1/8” wide x 22-1/2” deep x 27-3/8” high. The fronts slope in at the top. You can find detailed instructions on our web site:
https://pnwfm.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ShowCaseInstructions.pdf - We have a variety of case liners available, so you do not need to make your own.
Contact Bruce Kelley – bruce.kelley@gmail.com to reserve a case.